A place-based design studio. 

The Deloitte Stories Gallery / Art Direction

Deloitte wanted to achieve a few of goals: tell stories of how we’re leveraging Generative AI, get those stories in the hands of practioners, and get those people back into communal spaces to feed off the energy around the initiative. 

The way we achieved it? We partnered with legendary artist John Huet, and created works of art. These weren’t just regular old pieces. They were created with Generative AI and Stable Diffusion, and they are literally nothing but calls to action. When someone scans the art (g’head, try it) you are taken to a story telling how we leveraged artificial intelligence in service of our clients. 

The art achieved the goals. So far we’ve hosted dozens of events, from Dallas to Davos. The art even had an opening at the San Jose Museum of Art.  And to top it all off, it has been awarded a spot in Communication Arts annual of advertising excellence.

A few more that didn’t make the cut, but are beautiful in their own right, challenging the limits of  direct response. 

Select agency & in-house projects